GameDev Events
in Europe

Why is networking important?

A good network requires years of building up. This means not only building up contacts, but also maintaining them. Building and maintaining contacts usually means giving first: Sharing knowledge, helping others, providing advice and support, drawing attention to oneself – all often without directly generating sales or achieving concrete results. Being present at relevant events, having a professional trade fair presence or answering social media inquiries costs time and money. Permanent learning and training is also necessary if you want to network as an expert.

On the other hand, a good network often proves to be the most valuable thing you have in business – whether as an entrepreneur, manager or employee. In times of information overload, contacts, especially personal ones, are more important than ever. The reach of a good network should also not be underestimated: Contacts often multiply with colleagues, co-workers and friends in the industry. So if you constantly invest in your network, maintain and refresh your contacts, you are making the best possible investment in the future.


Nordic Games Conference

Type: Online
When: 26. – 28. May 2021

Price: starting at € 99

May 2021


Type: In-Person & Online
When: 25. – 28. August 2021

Price: tba

August 2021
Online & In-Person


Type: Online
When: 22. – 27. August 2021
Where: Cologne (Germany)

Price: tba

August 2021

Digital Dragons

Type: tba
When: 07.-08. September 2021

Price: tba

September 2021

Games Industry Conference

Type: Online
When: November 2021

Price: tba

November 2021

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